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18500 Murdock Circle
Port Charlotte, FL 33948

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Agricultural And Natural Resources Advisory Committee

ANRAC was established in November 1992 by the Board of County Commissioners and consists of nine voluntary members who must be residents or owners of real property in Charlotte County. These members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners. The current members include representatives of:

  • Range, Timber and Wildlife/Sod, Hay, Aquacultural, or Honey Production
  • Vegetable Production
  • Livestock Production
  • Citrus Production
  • Agricultural Economics
  • Environmental Conservation
  • Agricultural Engineering/Water Management
  • Agricultural Realty
  • Rural Land Use and Environmental Law

The committee also retains a regular county staff liaison from the County’s Planning and Zoning Division and a liaison from the County Attorney’s office.

​​​​Meeting Schedule

The Agricultural and Natural Resources Advisory Committee (ANRAC) meets publicly on the second Thursday of every other month in the large conference room of Building Construction Services, 18400 Murdock Circle, County Administration Center, at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise noted. To confirm the meeting schedule, please call Marie Valeus, the recording secretary, at 941.743.1245.

Public Involvement

In order to utilize the resources represented by ANRAC, members of the public may do one of the following:
  • Simply appear at one of the scheduled meetings and address the committee members during the public comments section of the agenda or
  • Request a specific item be placed on the agenda for discussion by contacting Marie Valeus, the recording secretary, at 941.743.1245.

Roles and Responsibilities

The role of ANRAC is to advise the Board of County Commissioners on matters related to agriculture, natural resources, private property rights and rural land use. The committee’s function is to provide a forum for communication between county staff and citizens and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas, as well as serve as a sounding board for staff as they plan programs and projects that will or could impact the four subjects listed above.

Further, they are tasked with informing and educating the public and governmental authorities of the environmental, economic and social impact and importance of agriculture within the county. Education involves coordinating and promoting public and private efforts that serve to balance the agricultural economy with good stewardship of agricultural land and natural resources. This effort includes contact with local, state and federal representatives of government, and with private interests. The goal is to retain a diversified and balanced local economy by preserving agricultural opportunity, productivity, profitability, and sustainability and maintaining Charlotte County’s renewable soil and water resource base.

The committee and concerned public can offer ideas and solutions to the Board of County Commissioners on various topics related to agriculture and the environment, which the committee may pass on as a recommendation. Such recommendations must be approved by a majority of the committee members.

If you have any further questions, please contact the County’s staff liaison. You may also submit questions or comments to the liaison by e-mail. The liaison will pass your questions or comments on to the committee members at their next available meeting.


Marie Valeus - Recording Secretary, Sr. Administrative Assistant
Phone: 941.743.1245


  • Vacant - Other / Conservationist
  • Andy Dodd - Chairman, AG Economics
  • Nigel Morris - Vice-Chair, Wildlife Management
  • Dan Ryals - Commodity Production / Cattle, Row Crop
  • David Kemeny - Commodity Production / Citrus
  • Lindsay Harrington - AG Land Use
  • Scott Schroeder - Commodity Production / Cattle
  • Vacant - Commodity Production / Citrus
  • Joel Beverly - Commodity Production / Cattle

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